Batman: Arkham Asylum First Impressions

By Shepton on August 11, 2009 in Blogé

I finally got around to trying out the Batman: Arkham Asylum demo a couple days ago and I figured I’d write up my thoughts about it.

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WipEout HD

By Shepton on July 29, 2009 in Reviews

Final verdict: A- Final playtime: Ongoing

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Disappoin™ent – An IM transcript

By Shepton on July 28, 2009 in Blogé

A few days ago, Renegade and I had a little chat about those annoying ™ symbols that so often appear on your console’s dashboard, or on the game’s main menu, and on every single instance of the game’s name in its manual. We figured it seemed like a good thing to subject you all to.

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Does My Wii Just Want Me To Hate It?

By Shepton on July 27, 2009 in Blogé

I’ve never been a fan of Nintendo’s abomination, mainly because I’m not 4 years old and I’m not a stereotype – at least, I’m not one of the stereotypes Nintendo targeted.

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Not A Review Of Dead Space

By Shepton on July 25, 2009 in Blogé

So, I started playing Dead Space, and it wasn’t a bad game. However, it just didn’t compel me to keep playing it. I barely managed to play it for a couple of hours, and I was just kinda bored.

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Call Of Duty: World At War

By Shepton on July 12, 2009 in Reviews

Final verdict: C+ Final playtime: 8 hours

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By Shepton on June 23, 2009 in Reviews

Final verdict: D+ Final playtime: 8-10 hours

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I Would Pay To Play A Call Of Duty Modern Warfare MMO

By Shepton on June 16, 2009 in Blogé

There are rumors lately that Activision could be creating some kind of Call of Duty MMO. It probably won’t happen, but the idea caused beautiful images to spring forth from the darkest dungeons of my imagination, which house only the most terrible of musings, that I deem unfit to ever leave the confines of my […]

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Good news, everyone!

By Shepton on June 8, 2009 in Bloge

REAL HOLOGRAPHIC SIMULATED EVIL LINCOLN IS BAAAACK. As is Futurama! That’s right. Comedy Central has ordered brand new Futurama episodes and it’s back in production.

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