Scathing Accuracy Awards 2014
By Shepton on January 12, 2015 in Blogé
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.And this time I’m rollin’ deep, nyugguh!
By Shepton on October 11, 2014 in Blogé
I’ve been gone a long time. And I’ve seen some shit. But I’m back now and it’s time to kick it up a notch.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Scathing Accuracy Awards 2013
By S.A. Renegade on December 30, 2013 in Blogé
What the fuck? It’s the end of the year ALREADY? God dammit, and we barely played SHIT.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Scathing Accuracy Awards 2012
By Shepton on January 4, 2013 in Blogé
Wait, it’s 2013? Did we do an SA Awards for 2012? Wait what. We DIDN’T? …Whateva, nigga.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Yo we got ISSUES
By Shepton on August 27, 2012 in Blogé
We had some issues this past week or so with our hosting, but it’s all good now. Details ‘splained up ins.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.THIS SUMMER
By Shepton on May 28, 2012 in Blogé
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Motion controls huh.
By Shepton on February 10, 2012 in Blogé
A recent comment on Renegade’s Skyward Sword review got me thinking about motion controls, and how shitty they are.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Scathing Accuracy Awards 2011?
By S.A. Renegade on December 20, 2011 in Blogé
Aight, what’s the word my niggaz. S.A. Renegade here, and I’ma be your host tonight for this year’s Scathing Accuracy awards… except not really.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.What.
By Shepton on November 21, 2011 in Blogé
This is a thing that happened.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Surprise, I’m making a video game.
By Climpa on November 2, 2011 in Blogé
I’m Back, Bitches.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.