There’s Something Wrong Here
By Shepton on August 31, 2008 in Blogé
I’ve had more fun playing Braid and Castle Crashers in the past couple of weeks than I’ve had all year with mainstream games.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.So Uh… Howzabout Dem… Vidja Games.
By S.A. Renegade on August 27, 2008 in Blogé
Man. What is up with these coming months. Nothing interesting seems to be coming out until like december.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.So, Uh… How About Them… Video Games.
By Shepton on August 26, 2008 in Blogé
I’m looking forward to the coming months. There seems to be a large influx of at least decent games coming up soon.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Dayum.
By S.A. Renegade on August 18, 2008 in Blogé
Man, I could sure go for some Popeye’s right about now.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.