Mercenaries 2
By Shepton on September 8, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: F Final playtime: A few hours.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.I Love Valve So Damn Much
By Shepton on September 4, 2008 in Blogé
I gotta say, Valve are awesome. They’ve produced some incredible games, and they’re set to keep on producing them. I mean, look at Left 4 Dead. That shit will be off the hook.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Metal Gear Solid 4
By Shepton on August 31, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: B Final playtime: Approx. 20 hours
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Stardock’s “Gamer’s Bill Of Rights” A Step Forward, If People Listen
By Shepton on August 31, 2008 in Bloge
On the 29th, Stardock announced “The Gamer’s Bill of Rights“, a list of ideals for PC gamers that publishers should all adhere to (fuck you Electronic Arts).
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.There’s Something Wrong Here
By Shepton on August 31, 2008 in Blogé
I’ve had more fun playing Braid and Castle Crashers in the past couple of weeks than I’ve had all year with mainstream games.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Using Treadmills To Control MMO Characters
By Shepton on August 26, 2008 in Bloge
Getting healthy while playing video games is a dream for some, but a nightmare for others. It’s something Nintendo’s successfully tried to cash in on with Wii Fit, but if you really want to get thin, you need treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines. Maybe a jog outside in the fresh air once in a while.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.So, Uh… How About Them… Video Games.
By Shepton on August 26, 2008 in Blogé
I’m looking forward to the coming months. There seems to be a large influx of at least decent games coming up soon.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Braid
By Shepton on August 24, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: B+ Final playtime: 2 hours
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Braid
By Shepton on August 24, 2008 in Haikus
Such clever puzzles.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Gears Of War 2
By Shepton on August 21, 2008 in Haikus
Cliffy B, shut up.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.