Man why you even got to do a thing
Mercenaries 2
By Shepton on September 8, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: F Final playtime: A few hours.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Trauma Center: Second Opinion XS Guide
By S.A. Renegade on September 7, 2008 in Guides
This is a complete guide on XSing every operation in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Should you need to return to this table of contents at any time, click the page title. – that don’t work no mo’. Scroll up. -Shep Table of Contents Introduction How to make more effective use of your […]
5 comments?! Shut up in there, will ya!Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2
By S.A. Renegade on September 6, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: B+ Final playtime: 55 hours
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Hey, Cool.
By S.A. Renegade on September 6, 2008 in Blogé
I had a headache, then I ate two chocolate cupcakes and it disappeared! Musta been some kinda magical cupcake or some shit.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Soul Calibur IV In A Nutshell
By S.A. Renegade on September 5, 2008 in Haikus
Whining Kilik noobs
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.I Love Valve So Damn Much
By Shepton on September 4, 2008 in Blogé
I gotta say, Valve are awesome. They’ve produced some incredible games, and they’re set to keep on producing them. I mean, look at Left 4 Dead. That shit will be off the hook.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.It’s Killer7’s fault that you reenacted GTA in real life
By S.A. Renegade on September 3, 2008 in Bloge
So some dude in Thailand killed a taxi driver and blamed GTA. What’s the obvious course of action? Ban Killer7! Something tells me the Thai Ministry of Culture didn’t actually play the game. I mean I haven’t either! I will soon though so get off my back.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
By S.A. Renegade on September 2, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: S Final playtime: 128 hours
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Exclusives aren’t important? Yeah, if you’re Microsoft.
By S.A. Renegade on September 2, 2008 in Bloge
So according to Kotaku, Germany’s Xbox 360 product manager Boris Schneider-Johne says exclusives aren’t as important anymore.
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 FES
By S.A. Renegade on September 1, 2008 in Reviews
Final verdict: A- Final playtime: 170 hours
No comments? Good, my site's nice and clean.