Beats me why most dudes suck. Sure as hell ain't my scene.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Treasure Locations

By Shepton on October 23, 2009 in Guides

Since Uncharted 2 just came out, I figured I’d give the series a shot and felt like making a guide to finding all 61 hidden treasures in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Hope it helps!



Treasures 1-21

Treasures 22-41

Treasures 42-61

Keep an eye out, because we’ll soon be adding a guide for all 101 treasures in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as well.


  1. About Treasures
  2. Treasure locations

About Treasures

Treasures are hidden items found throughout Uncharted. Collecting them unlocks rewards (such as making of videos, film effects, costumes and so on) and also obtains trophies. They’re only visible in-game as a brief flash of light every few seconds, and as such they can be easy to miss.

Treasure Locations

Chapter 1: Ambushed

Number of treasures in this chapter: 0 (none)

Chapter 2: The Search for El Dorado

Number of treasures in this chapter: 6 (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6)

Treasure #1 – Silver Mosaic Inca Earring
Follow the stream you come across at the start of the chapter and keep left. You should soon notice a rock that curves off to the left onto a small ridge. Follow this curve to find the first treasure.

Treasure #2 – Jewelled Silver Monkey
In the area where Sully and Nate are talking about the ground being strange and you have to push a boulder down to open up the entrance to the underground structure, jump to the pillar with a tree on it to find this treasure.

Treasure #3 – Decorated Gold Ring
Shortly after entering the underground structure mentioned above, you’ll have to shoot a barrel in order to topple a pillar to create a bridge. Before crossing, find this treasure on the far left hand side behind the pillar, at the very edge of the chasm.

Treasure #4 – Silver Llama
After solving the puzzle where you have to push the four tablets in a certain order to open the floor, you’ll then climb down and raise the water level. After raising the water level you can swim into a small cavern-like opening where you can find this treasure tucked away on the right hand side.

Treasure #5 – Golden Inca Cup
When Nate and Sully discover the tracks left by the El Dorado statue when it was dragged out by the Spaniards, turn around and you should see a large ceramic jar and some skeletons near a pillar to the right hand side of the room. The treasure is sitting beside one of the skeletons.

Treasure #6 – Silver Turtle
After following the tracks outside you should see four stone pillars. Climb on the shortest one and jump across the rest until you reach the last one, where you’ll find treasure number 6.

Chapter 3: A Surprising Find

Number of treasures in this chapter: 2 (#7 and #8)

Treasure #7 – Gold Tairona Pendant
When you start climbing the cliffs in order to reach the U-boat, you’ll swing on a series of vines. When you reach the third vine, stop swinging and instead climb up it to find the treasure.

Treasure #8 – Gold and Turquoise Inca Earring
Before entering the U-boat, run to the end of it to find this treasure. Keep in mind that once you enter the U-boat, you won’t be able to get this treasure, so make sure to get this before you enter the boat.

Chapter 4: Plane-wrecked

Number of treasures in this chapter: 10 (#9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17 and #18)

Treasure #9 – Silver Inca Figurine
At the very beginning of this chapter, turn around and check to the right hand side of the large tree and you should find this treasure hidden in the grass.

Treasure #10 – Silver Fish Charm
This treasure is hidden in grass at the back of a clearing to the left of the first waterfall you see.

Treasure #11 – Gold Frog
When you come to the first log that you have to walk across, don’t get on the log straight away. Instead, drop off to the right hand side of the ledge that you’re on and you’ll find this treasure.

Treasure #12 – Intricate Gold Ring
When you come across the large group of pirates in an open area with lots of stone pillars and arches, clear out all the pirates and then climb the pillars in order to reach the ledge that some of them were shooting from. In the back corner near a tree you’ll find this treasure.

Treasure #13 – Patterned Silver Ring
This can be found shortly after the previous treasure, in an area where you have a skirmish with a group of pirates. It’s situated on the left wall of the area. To specify, this is the area before you jump over a big metal gate.

Treasure #14 – Golden Jaguar
After obtaining treasure 13 and climbing the walls to jump over the metal gate, continue on until you’re attacked by another group of pirates. Head to the far left of this area and you should see some white trees. This treasure is on the ground amongst them.

Treasure #15 – Silver Inca Vessel
You can find this treasure in a very recognisable area – just before you find Sully’s plane you have to jump from a slanted rock onto a fallen tree trunk to cross a small hole in the ground. The treasure is in the hole, to the right of the tree trunk.

Treasure #16 – Golden Toothpick
As soon as you leave the plane crash site, turn right to find this treasure. This is just before the pirate gets caught in the trap, so if you go past the trap, you’ve gone too far.

Treasure #17 – Silver Bird Vessel
This one can be very tricky to spot. Very shortly after the previous treasure, you’ll climb/jump your way across a cliff to the next area where there are lots of pirates and more wooden traps. As soon as you land on solid ground after all the climbing, stick to the very right hand side and follow the cliff to the end. Then, turn around and you should find this treasure hidden by the raised ground.

It can be really tricky to spot this one and admittedly my description isn’t great – watch the video if you’re still confused about where it is.

Treasure #18 – Silver Inca Earring
After passing by all the wooden traps, turn around and you’ll see a raised path up to the ledge where most of the enemies came from. The treasure is on the right hand side at the top of the ledge, against the trees.

Chapter 5: The Fortress

Number of treasures in this chapter: 4 (#19, #20, #21 and #22)

Treasure #19 – Strange Relic
This is an easter egg – almost literally, since it’s egg-shaped. It’s actually a Precursor Orb from Jak and Daxter. If you get every treasure including this one, you will have 61/60 treasures. You can skip any single treasure and still get the 60 treasures trophy, but the Strange Relic has a trophy of its own, so it’s worth getting all 61/60 treasures.

Anyway, you can find it shortly after using the vine to bust in through the window. Get rid of all the pirates and climb up the stairs, then jump across to the roof that was above you when you first entered the area and you’ll find this treasure in the corner.

Treasure #20 – Silver Jaguar
In the same area as the previous treasure. You’ll notice that at points along the wall there are watchtowers – if you follow the wall along to the end you’ll see a large amount of rubble. Climb over it to get to the final watchtower, and find the treasure inside it.

Treasure #21 – Gold Mosaic Inca Earring
From the watchtower you found treasure 20 in, drop down into the courtyard area. There are stairs to your left, and a wall with large archways with rusty gates in them to your right. You’ll notice one of the archways has a lot of debris and rubble in it. Climb over it and you’ll find this treasure.

Treasure #22 – Golden Spoon
After Nate uses the microphone to make the guard open the gate, head inside and take out the guy on the machine gun. While you’re making your way through the corridor towards him, keep right and you’ll come across a storage room with some ammo boxes and a single pirate. The treasure is on the ammo boxes in the first room.

Chapter 6: Unlocking the Past

Number of treasures in this chapter: 4 (#23, #24, #25 and #26)

Treasure #23 – Silver Inca Mask
After clearing the first area of pirates, head up the stairs and you should see some big, white trees. This treasure is behind the tree farthest from you.

Treasure #24 – Spanish Silver Coin
After unlocking the door with the key symbol above it, you’ll soon come across a large, fairly open courtyard area and fight a large group of pirates. At the far end of this area is a gate. Go to the left side of the gate and climb over the small ledge and you’ll find treasure #24.

Treasure #25 – Silver Tairona Pendant
After heading up to the next floor (you’ll be walking around the outside of the courtyard) you’ll have a couple more brief encounters with pirates and you’ll eventually come across a flight of stairs that are broken, which you can’t climb back up. This treasure is at the bottom of the stairs, to the left hand side of them.

Treasure #26 – Gold Llama
A little further on outside, above the courtyard, when the Great Tower comes into view, you’ll come across a small group of pirates. After killing them and proceeding, there will then be a brief platforming section where you climb and jump your way to the next area. You can find this treasure behind some small trees.

Chapter 7: Out of the Frying Pan

Number of treasures in this chapter: 0 (none)

Chapter 8: The Drowned City

Number of treasures in this chapter: 2 (#27 and #28)

Treasure #27 – Decorated Silver Ring
In the area where your first encounter with pirates occurs in this chapter, go right from where you entered and this treasure is on the floor.

Treasure #28 – Silver Frog
After taking out the guy with the grenade launcher, proceed past him into the ruins of an old building and check the far right corner for this treasure.

Chapter 9: To the Tower

Number of treasures in this chapter: 1 (#29)

Treasure #29 – Golden Fish Charm
This next treasure can be found a little while after getting off the jet-ski. Once you finally clear the area of pirates you’ll see a brick tunnel at the end of the area, which looks blue/gray due to the lighting. Before going into the tunnel, turn left and this treasure is behind a low wall.

Chapter 10: The Customs House

Number of treasures in this chapter: 2 (#30 and #31)

Treasure #30 – Jewelled Golden Brooch
After sliding down the cable and into the customs house, go to the door and turn around to see this treasure on the floor near the stairs you just came down.

Treasure #31 – Silver Belt Buckle
After the cutscene in which Nate and Elena find the drawing of El Dorado in the customs book, you’ll fight another large group of pirates in a room with lots of stairs. Go up the stairs directly in front of where you entered the room from and follow them all the way up and you should find this treasure on the floor in the corner.

Chapter 11: Trapped

Number of treasures in this chapter: 3 (#32, #33 and #34)

Treasure #32 – Spanish Gold Coin
Shortly after the boat leaves, you’ll have to fight yet more pirates, and you’ll come across a large staircase that splits right and left at the top. Go up the right set of stairs to find this treasure.

Treasure #33 – Silver Spanish Chalice
After crossing the rope bridge, head downstairs and turn left to find this treasure among the rubble.

Treasure #34 – Gold Coatimundi
After you leave the building you’ll come across a rocky entrance to a sort of cave/cavern/tunnel. Check behind a pile of ammo boxes inside and you should find this treasure.

Chapter 12: Heading Upriver

Number of treasures in this chapter: 0 (none)

Chapter 13: Sanctuary?

Number of treasures in this chapter: 7 (#35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40 and #41)

Treasure #35 – Golden Turtle
After you get off the jet-ski, you should see an old, ruined, wooden waterwheel. Get into the water and swim behind the waterwheel and climb up onto the walkway and you should see this treasure.

Treasure #36 – Silver Inca Cup
When you find the trap made of airplane parts, you’ll soon come across an old stone staircase that’s mostly fallen apart. This treasure is in the water behind the staircase.

Treasure #37 – Jewelled Silver Cross
At one point you’ll have to make your way to the other side of a door in order to shoot a large pile of explosive barrels to clear the path for Elena. This treasure is in the room with the barrels, to the far right hand side of them.

Treasure #38 – Silver Toothpick
Elena will open a gate for Nate, and then Nate will prop it open long enough for Elena to enter. As soon as you enter, turn right and climb over the low wall to find this treasure.

Treasure #39 – Gold Spanish Chalice
In the same room, go left from where you entered, and follow the wall the way to the corner (you’ll pass a staircase on the way). The treasure is in the corner at the end of the room near some debris.

Treasure #40 – Silver Coatimundi
After finding treasure #39, continue to follow the wall around the room and you’ll pass through a tunnel into a small room with treasure #40 in the corner.

Treasure #41 – Golden Cup and Cover
After the puzzle with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you’ll head down the stairs and find a room where you have to turn the torches upside-down to open a secret passage. This treasure is in the torch room, to the right of the painting.

Chapter 14: Going Underground

Number of treasures in this chapter: 6 (#42, #43, #44, #45, #46 and #47)

Treasure #42 – Golden Inca Vessel
As soon as the chapter starts, go downstairs and turn right to find this one.

Treasure #43 – Golden Skull
Soon after finding treasure #42, you should come across a small waterfall on the left hand side of the room you’re in. Make your way around the room until you can reach the waterfall, and this treasure can be found inside it.

Treasure #44 – Silver Snuff Box
You’ll soon emerge in a church after climbing up out of a trapdoor. Turn around to find this treasure behind the trapdoor, in the corner.

Treasure #45 – Silver Spanish Goblet
Soon after the fight in the church you’ll climb down a ladder into a room with a stone sarcophagus. This treasure is behind the sarcophagus.

Treasure #46 – Silver Ingot
This can be found just after the cutscene where Nate is listening to Roman and Navarro and co through the holes in the floor. Jump over the gap and climb down to the other side.

Treasure #47 – Gold and Ruby Inca Mask
At the very end of chapter 14, this treasure can be found in the small room where you need to turn the wheel to open the door leading to chapter 15.

Chapter 15: On the Trail of the Treasure

Number of treasures in this chapter: 6 (#48, #49, #50, #51, #52 and #53)

Treasure #48 – Gold Inca Figurine
This treasure is right at the start of chapter 15, to the right hand side of the stairs that are directly in front of you.

Treasure #49 – Golden Bird Vessel
Just after Sully tells you about the secret gallery over the radio, turn left instead of proceeding and you’ll find this at the edge of the floor.

Treasure #50 – Golden Spanish Goblet
Very shortly after finding the previous treasure you’ll enter the church, and a couple of pirates will emerge from a small room ahead of you. Enter this room to find treasure #50.

Treasure #51 – Jewelled Golden Cross
After you pull down the two giant keys to make the stained glass window open, head inside and turn right and follow this curved room around to find the treasure.

Treasure #52 – Silver Skull
In the graveyard area with the huge hole in the ground, check behind the small burial house just past the hole to find this one.

Treasure #53 – Golden Inca Mask
After clearing the graveyard of all the pirates and heading up the small flight of steps to the higher area, don’t head inside the building just yet. Instead, go to the right of it and you should see three gravestones. This treasure is in amongst them.

Chapter 16: The Treasure Vault

Number of treasures in this chapter: 3 (#54, #55 and #56)

Treasure #54 – Silver Cup and Cover
This area annoyed the holy hell out of me when I first attempted it. However, you can find the treasures here relatively easily. When you enter, take the right path and go the directions listed on the following arrows:
Follow V
Ignore II
Follow IV (up a flight of stairs)
Follow I, and this should lead you to a dead end were the treasure can be found.

Treasure #55 – Jewelled Silver Brooch
Since this room is so disorientating it can be difficult to explain where this one is, so if you have trouble understanding my directions then you may find that watching the video is more helpful. After you activate the switch and the lanterns start to swing, climb up the chain nearby and pass the first lantern and climb up to the area where two lanterns are swinging on a long path. You should see that the second lantern is swinging in front of a IV sign. When you reach the top of the stairs just before this lantern, turn left and you should see a III sign on a pillar. Jump to the left of the pillar and you should land safely and find the treasure nearby.

Treasure #56 – Gold Snuff Box
This treasure is a little easy to miss. This all happens a while after you and Elena reunite and you open the gate to let her in, etc. If you keep your eyes open you should be able to see it while you’re making your way up and down the staircases when pirates are shooting at you. This is towards the end of the area. You’ll come across a gate with a I sign on the floor in front of it, and a VII sign on the wall to the right of it. Take a good look around and you should see this treasure on a little outcrop of rock with this treasure on it. It’s an easy jump to make. Again, if confused, check the video guide.

Chapter 17: The Heart of the Vault

Number of treasures in this chapter: 0 (none)

Chapter 18: The Bunker

Number of treasures in this chapter: 1 (#57)

Treasure #57 – Gold Monkey Figurine
This can be found just after Nate finds his first MP40 and enters a corridor and three zombie…mutant… whatevers rush at him. At the end of the corridor, turn right and go all the way to the end and turn left to find this treasure in amongst all the rubble.

Chapter 19: Unwelcome Guests

Number of treasures in this chapter: 1 (#58)

Treasure #58 – Golden Seadragon Pendant
This treasure can be found in the large storage area where you fight a lot of pirates and mutants all at once, and there’s a sniper in a room off to the far end of the area. Once everything is good and dead, climb on top of all the crates at the back of the room and you should find this treasure.

Chapter 20: Race to the Rescue

Number of treasures in this chapter: 1 (#59)

Treasure #59 – Gold Ingot
Once you climb the ladder, turn around and check behind you between the boulder and the palm tree for this one.

Chapter 21: Gold and Bones

Number of treasures in this chapter: 2 (#60 and #61)

Treasure #60 – Golden Skull Rosary
This is hidden beside a sarcophagus in the right hand side of one of the rooms in the catacombs.

Treasure #61 – Sapphire and Silver Mask
In the next room after the previous treasure. Head down the stairs and check behind the pillar in the middle of the room.

Chapter 22: Showdown

Number of treasures in this chapter: 0 (none)


Congratulations, you should now have all 61 treasures in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, as well as all the medals and trophies that are unlocked as a result.

Thanks for reading. I hope the guide helped! If you have any problems, click my name at the top of the guide to find my email address.

If you wish to host the guide on your site, you must first ask for my permission, and you must not alter the guide’s content in any way.

If you’re going to copy/paste chunks of this guide anywhere, at least be decent and give credit where credit is due, and link directly to this guide.

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