Being in trouble is a fake idea.

EGM is over?

By S.A. Renegade on January 7, 2009 in Bloge

Man this is complete bullshit. Ziff Davis sold the 1up network to Hearst and discontinued EGM. That was the only mag I still subscribed to! I mean sure, print magazines have become pretty obsolete and everything, but I had been reading that shit for… actually I don’t remember how long it’s been. It had sentimental value!

To think this issue I have is the last one ever. It really feels like the end of an era. Sucks. Those EGM writers were good guys. Most of them a bit too much on the casual/mainstream side, but still good guys. I liked them even if they gave my favorite games less than stellar scores just because they couldn’t take the heat, and shit like GTA perfect scores. But I guess that’s the way it goes. If you want to be successful you have to be mainstream, because that’s what most people are. You can’t be a complete renegade like me and give D’s to GTA. But even then they were better than a lot of other mags.

So this post goes to EGM. Goodnight, sweet prince. You weren’t such a bad rag.

Wait, your last official issue ever has fucking X-Men Origins on the cover?! What a way to go. I can see why they’d want to push out another issue at all costs. And apparently they will. According to Milky’s blog (who happens to be one of the people fired) they managed to make a final EGM issue that they’ll show later on. So that’s pretty cool. Better than your last issue being remembered as X-Men. Thing is, the official statement says the January issue is the last one, so who knows how it’ll work out. Maybe they’ll release it as a PDF or something. I doubt Ziff Davis’ll deign to actually publish it.

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