Uh if you play MMOs that's alright. Maybe there's still something we could talk about. Like how you let your family down.

Mega Man 9 Mega Buster Only Robot Master Guide

By S.A. Renegade on September 25, 2008 in Guides

This is a guide to beating all of the robot masters in Mega Man 9 with only the mega buster and unlock the Trusty Sidearm achievement as a result.


Table of Contents
Galaxy Man
Concrete Man
Plug Man
Hornet Man
Splash Woman
Jewel Man
Magma Man
Tornado Man
Addendum – Special Downloadable Stage: Fake Man


Sup. I’ve decided to write this guide first because this game is so great and third because I think beating the robot masters with the mega buster is way more fun than hitting them with their weakness. I’m serious. Try it if you want.

The purpose of this guide is to help whoever wants to do the same thing by outlining the strategies I used to beat the robot masters. Once you do, you acquire the Trusty Sidearm achievement. Now I don’t claim my methods to be the best or the most effective, but they are what worked for me and this is all I can give you. With that being said, in this guide you’ll find my tips for each of the bosses plus videos of me beating each one with the mega buster without taking damage to give you a more visual aid in addition to the text.

Of course, remember that this is an action game. Thus, no amount of tips or knowledge can ever substitute actual practice and experience. This guide is meant to help you and make things a little bit easier, but the majority of the effort required must still be put forth by you.

Beating the robot masters with the mega buster is all about learning to dodge their various attacks. If you can avoid damage, you will win. That’s why I concentrate on telling you how to dodge instead of attack. I don’t always tell you when to shoot at them because this is easy to figure out. Mainly, if you can shoot at them without compromising your dodging pattern, do so.

Right, I think that’s about all I have to say. Let’s go!

Galaxy Man

Galaxy Man is ridiculously easy. He’s probably the easiest robot master in the game.

He has two modes of attack. His first, and least dangerous one, is to fly way high up in the air and send out a black ball that will home in on you and then turn into a black hole after a few seconds. The ball is faster than you, but has some killer momentum which you can use to your advantage. It can’t turn on a dime like you, so you can turn quickly and run the other way as it passes you by to get some good distance on it by the time it turns into a black hole. Once it does it’ll start sucking you in. As long as you’re running away from it there’s no problem. Galaxy Man will also now teleport and stand beneath it, hoping you’ll get sucked in and brush against him. Like I said, as long as you’re running away you won’t be damaged. However, if you have a good distance between it, this can be a good spot to shoot Galaxy Man once or twice. Simply turn around for a microsecond and shoot once, then turn around and continue running away. You should get sucked in a little but if there’s some distance it won’t be enough to damage you.

After the black hole ends, Galaxy Man will teleport to his safe spot high up. Be careful here because after a few seconds he will fall down, and you don’t want to be beneath him when that happens. If possible, try to learn how long it takes for him to fall so you can time it so that when he does, you’re on the side with the most space. In any case, immediately after he falls is a great chance to shoot him.

After a couple seconds, he may either fly up and do his black hole move again, or he might do his second, more dangerous attack. The more dangerous attack is simply to fly across the room. Try to get some moderate distance away from him in anticipation. Since he will either do this move or fly up, and the latter can’t hit you, always assume he will do the move. Jump over him to dodge it, and then stand in the middle of the room at the ready to jump some more in case he makes more passes. After he makes a pass and lands on one side of the room is another opportunity to shoot him while you wait for the next one.

That’s pretty much all there is to him. A pretty easy boss to take with the mega buster.

Concrete Man

Concrete Man is one of the harder bosses. He’ll probably take you a few tries to bring down. He can also sometimes be a little cheap.

He’s got 3 modes of attack. His first, and probably most dangerous one, is his Concrete Shot. He’ll shoot 3 blocks of concrete at you. If any of these touch you you’ll not only receive damage but also get turned to stone. Uh, I mean, concrete.

The trick to fighting Concrete Man is to stay relatively close to him. You heard right. The reason for this is that when he shoots you, he actually AIMS at your current position. Now, if you’ll look at the battlefield, you can spot 4 green tiles on the floor. We’ll call the ones near the walls the outer tiles, and the ones in the middle the inner tiles. When Concrete Man is standing on either side of the room, you’ll want to be standing somewhat close to him. To be more specific, between the mid point of the arena and the inner tile closest to him. Not ON the inner tile. That’s too close.

Learn to gauge how long it takes for him to attack, and a few moments before he does, start running AWAY from him. When he shoots you, you should be able to outrun the blocks flying at you, and even be able to jump on top of the last one and shoot him from there before he triggers his next attack. Which could be one of the next:

His second mode of attack is to charge across the room. Simply jump over him when he does this. If you’re on top of a concrete block it’ll be even easier since you have a height advantage. When you’re close to him and anticipating a concrete shot, he might do this attack instead. Therefore you have to stay on your toes. But don’t worry. Since you started running away from him in anticipation of the concrete shot, this should give you enough distance so that you can see the charge coming and be able to jump over him. You still need to be quick and alert though.

His third mode of attack, which can be a bit dangerous, is a ground pound move. He’ll jump way high up and come down on your current position. When he lands, you NEED to be in the air or the tremor will make you fall down and put you in a vulnerable state. To avoid the ground pound, simply move to either side. The most important thing when it comes to this attack is to make absolutely sure that the side you move to is the one with the most space! This is important because you need a minimum amount of space to run in order to avoid the concrete shot which will surely come afterwards. Don’t ever let Concrete Man corner you with this attack, because then you’re pretty much screwed and avoiding damage in that situation is all but impossible.

Speaking of impossible… when the fight starts, Concrete Man will randomly do any of his attacks. However, a concrete shot right at the start of the fight is, as far as I’m aware, impossible to dodge. You’ll have to hope he doesn’t start with that attack or just take the damage.

The hardest part of the fight is probably when he ground pounds near the center of the arena as this leaves you with precious little room in which to dodge the subsequent concrete shot no matter which side you walk off to. However, it is still very possible to take no damage in this situation, so just get close to him before he shoots and go through the usual motions.

As always, be very alert because it’s very hard to know exactly which move he will do next.

Plug Man

Plug Man is definitely the hardest robot master. Mainly because the terrain gives his weapon a huge advantage while putting yours at a disadvantage. But also because you have to be paying attention to a lot of things at once. Oftentimes he sends out 2 shots at once, and that actually translates to 4 things you have to worry about, since they come back to hit you, plus with him jumping around that makes 5 things. Finally he can use some pretty cheap tactics every once in a while which can be pretty annoying. Oh and also he’s batshit crazy.

His weapon sends a ball of electricity across the floor, which goes all the way to the end of the room, up the wall, across the ceiling, and falls down on your current position. Because of this, it’s important not only to jump over the shots but also to make them fall down in a place where they won’t hit you.

Notice that Plug Man’s hand flashes when he’s about to shoot a ball of electricity. Learn to use this to your advantage so you know when one is coming. This is especially useful when he’s got your cornered, since there is hardly any room to see the shot coming in this situation.

One of the most dangerous parts of the battle is when he’s about to corner you on either side of the room. In my opinion, the most important tip here, and probably the one that really turned the tide for me once I figured it out, is this: regarding both ends of the room, there are two “safe spots” on each of them where you can stand and Plug Man will not be able to damage you with his body when he stands there. This is important because the fight consists in moving back and forth from one end of the room to the other, and being able to do this without getting damaged when you pass each other is crucial. When Plug Man jumps and lands on a corner of the room, realize that if you hug the nearest block as much as you can, he will land but miss you by millimeters. You will not be damaged. Then you can simply jump over the block and run to the other end of the room. By the same token, if you hug the wall as much as you can, you will ALSO not be damaged when he lands. Then, you can actually jump OVER him without being damaged and run to the other end of the room. Of course, you also have to watch out for his electricity so as always, it is quite a bit easier said than done.

As for whether you should hug the block or the wall, I’d say use your judgement. Generally speaking though, try to always be hugging the wall when you’re anticipating his jump. If you see that he makes a huge jump, try to move over to the block before he lands and then just jump over it and run to the other end of the room. If, however, you see him make a small hop, stay hugging the wall and jump over him instead.

When you’re on either side of the room and he’s shooting at you, after you jump over a ball, try to stay near the center of that space or near the block so that the ball falls down there. Not near the wall. This is because this is where you will generally be standing when you’re about to jump over a sphere. It will come towards the wall and you will jump AWAY from the wall. Of course, this is only a recommendation, and the actual best course of action may change depending on exactly what is happening. Again, use your judgement when it comes to this.

If Plug Man stands on top of one of the highest blocks and starts shooting you when you’re in the corner nearest to him you’ll have your work cut out for you, but it is very possible to avoid damage. You’ll want to stay close to the wall, watch for his flashing hand, and after you jump over the sphere, stand near the center so that it falls down there and you can move back to the wall in anticipation of the next shot.

However, Plug Man is also a very cheap boss, and once in a while, he will stand on top of the block nearest to the corner and start shooting you. He will be at almost point blank range in this situation, and you can’t jump over him. Suffice it to say, it’s a pretty bullshit situation to find yourself in. Escaping damage here is almost impossible as far as I’m aware. I think I’ve only walked out from it unscathed once. I think you’re better off just jumping towards him and taking the damage. Fortunately this situation doesn’t happen too often.

Hornet Man

Moar liek whorenet man m i riet gaiz. Uh, right, so. This guy is very tough. I’d say he’s Plug Man league hard. Fortunately he’s not as cheap and unpredictable as Plug Man so he is a little bit easier.

His mode of attack is to run from one end of the room to the other, jump up, and send out 3 bees that will home in on you. Dodging these hornets without being damaged is very hard, so my recommendation is to kill them every single time. Realize that it only takes 2 shots from your mega buster to kill a bee. Here’s what you want to do:

When Hornet Man jumps up, get somewhat near him. I’d say around halfway to 3/4ths of the platform. Learn the exact moment when he is about to shoot out his hornets. At that moment, make a short hop to the height of the bottom bee, and press the fire button twice quickly. This should kill it. When you land, very quickly make a full jump and fire twice very quickly on the middle bee. Now they should both be dead and they haven’t even homed in on you yet. Now once you land, quickly start running back. If done correctly the top bee should home in on your ground position and fly to a location relatively close to the ground. Now you can jump and shoot it twice. They should all be dead now, and Hornet Man will only now start running across the room. You can shoot him as much as you want as he’s running towards you, then jump over him and continue shooting him in the back as he’s running away from you. When he jumps up repeat the procedure. This is the ideal pattern you should strive for.

Obviously it’s not that easy, and you’re bound to make a mistake at some point due to human error. Usually it involves missing with your shots and leaving a bee alive when you should have killed it. Or perhaps being too slow and making it so that the top bee homes in on your aerial position and flies to a location too high up for you to shoot it. When this happens, you’ll be forced to dodge them.

For the purposes of bee dodging, you’ll want to learn the exact time it takes for them to home in on your position and start flying. Generally speaking you don’t want to be moving too much before they start flying. I recommend staying in a relatively stationary (yet safe. As in, not a centimeter away from them) position so that you know exactly where they will fly towards, and then move away only once they’re about to. Regarding the specific example I mentioned of being too slow so that the top bee flies to a location too high up (which happens pretty often and isn’t too dangerous), what you want to do is stand beneath it, and RIGHT as it’s about to start flying, run towards Hornet Man. When the bee comes at you, quickly jump AWAY from Hornet Man and over the bee. It should fly towards the bottom and past the ground. Make sure to jump over Hornet Man after the bee makes its move. Once you do, it should be about to make its next move. You should be above it. Stay there. When it’s just about to start flying jump to one side. It’ll pass by you and be very high up. Now if it gives up at this point, Hornet Man will send out his next swarm. If it goes for another pass, dodge it like you did the first time. In this case Hornet Man will run across the room a second time, giving you some nice shooting opportunities.

If you leave several bees alive, you’ll have your work cut out for you. Dodging them works more or less in the same way, except it’s much harder and dangerous. You really should try not to be in this situation.

Splash Woman

Splash WOOMON! Gonna drive down Sepulveda! Ahem. Splash Woman is probably the second easiest robot master after Galaxy Man. The reason being that she has a very strict attack pattern which she never deviates from. If you can get into a nice dodging pattern of your own, you’ll easily defeat her.

When the fight begins she’ll start singing and rising up. This is a good time to shoot her a little. Don’t jump when she gets close to you or you might hit her. The song will summon 3 waves of 3 fish each that will rush across the screen. You shouldn’t jump, so the only wave you have to worry about is the bottom one. The trick to dealing with these fish is not to dodge them, but to kill them. First of all, you must know from which side of the screen they will come. This is easy, just look at Splash Woman when she starts singing. The direction in which she starts floating at first will be the same direction in which the fish will come. What you want to do is a very, very short hop while firing repeatedly in the direction they’ll come in. The desired result is that you will kill the bottom-most fish and the one above it, then you can simply stand around and all the others will harmlessly pass you by.

The fish above the bottom-most one will sometimes not hit you, and other times it will. So to be safe, just kill both of them every time.

Now Splash Woman will be high up and start firing her Lazor Trident down at you. This attack is a bit harder to avoid. She’s faster than you, so there will be no outrunning her. However, she also has more momentum. What I’d recommend is to go stand beneath her before she starts shooting and to start running in the direction with the most space. You’ll outrun her while she builds up speed but after a short while she’ll catch up. When you see a trident almost knick your heels, quickly turn and run the other way. She’ll pass you by and take a while to turn back. Ideally this is when she’ll give up and fall back down to the floor and start her pattern all over again.

Things don’t always go so smoothly with her tridents though and that’s why you need to pay close attention to her movements. For example, sometimes you might be to slow to start running and she will shoot the first trident right in front of your path. You need to be quick at turning around in this instance. Similarly, sometimes you will hit the wall before she catches up to you, in which case you’ll have to wait and time it right so that you run the other way in between the tridents. My suggestion in this situation is to wait until she’s close to you before you start running. Wait until she shoots a trident as close as possible without actually hitting you.

In any case, that’s about it. When she falls down to ground level shoot her some more and repeat the procedure.

Jewel Man

This is a moderately hard robot master. He can be a bit tricky at first but he has a pretty strict pattern and doesn’t resort to cheap tactics.

When the fight starts, Jewel Man will use his Jewel Satellite power to create a shield of 4 gems around him, then start running back and forth along the room. The shield makes it so that you can’t jump over him without taking damage. What you want is for him to jump over YOU. The trick is that he jumps right after you do. So to avoid him, do a short hop when he’s close to you. This will trigger his jump and then you can pass safely beneath him.

Jewel M’n will run across the room three times. After the third time, he will stop on either side and shoot out his jewels at you. You’ll have to dodge them by jumping. But you need to have very fast reflexes because he can shoot the jewels in two different formations and you don’t know which it will be ahead of time.

First of all, look at the floor. There are 4 green tiles on it. Jewel Man will be standing on one of the outer tiles. Now obviously you don’t want to be in the middle of the arena. That won’t give you enough time to see the jewels coming. You want to be on the area between the other outer tile and the inner one close to it. Specifically, I recommend being closer to the inner one and not right up against the wall.

The least dangerous formation which he may throw at you is one in which you must jump and pass between the first two jewels. This is the easier one to dodge. Basically you must do a short hop so that you jump over the bottom jewel but not high enough so that you hit the top one. You have to pass between them. The two jewels after those are easily jumped over.

The other, much harder to dodge formation, consists of two volleys of two jewels each that are almost (but not quite) the same height. You have to jump over both jewels in each group with a single jump. That means two jumps one right after the other. However, the two groups fly very fast and close to each other so you need to be very fast to avoid damage. In fact, this is the reason why you mustn’t be close to the wall. After you jump over the first two jewels, and right as the second one has passed you and you’re still in the air, you have to move backwards as if you were chasing the jewels you just jumped over. If you don’t do this, the next set will get you before you land. In any case, move backwards and as SOON as your feet touch the floor jump again to avoid the other set. You have to be very fast here. Only touch the ground for a microsecond before you jump.

Now Jewel Man will be completely vulnerable without his shield. You can shoot him as much as you want as he runs across the screen, but once he gets to the other side of the room he’ll put the shield up again.

In this way, you can keep repeating the process until you kill him. However, there’s no reason why you can’t shoot him when he has his shield up. In fact, it works to your advantage as long as you’re careful. When one of your shots hits a jewel it will be reflected and the jewel will fly towards you. Therefore, I’d recommend to jump right after you shoot every time as a safety precaution. That, along with only shooting when there’s a reasonable distance between you and Jewel Man. If you can shoot off two of his jewels before he sends them out at you it’ll make dodging considerably easier.

Magma Man

Magma Man isn’t that hard if you’re just trying to kill him. But if you’re trying to no damage run him he’s absolutely HORRENDOUS. By far and away the hardest and most bullshit robot master in the game.

He only has one attack, and it’s firing his flame weapon. But it fires 3 shots and is incredibly fast and unpredictable. Also note that he only fires when he’s in the middle of a jump.

Look at the shape of the battlefield. It’s very uneven and pretty unique. There’s a single platform with the lowest elevation right smack in the middle. We’ll call this the pit. Then the two platforms adjacent to it will be called the inner platforms, the ones after it the middle platforms and the ones after that the outer platforms. Throughout the fight, you will want to stay EXCLUSIVELY on the pit and inner platforms. This is the safest place you can be in and where we will implement our strategy.

Obviously there is one problem. You do not start here. You start on the left outer platform. You will have to walk over to the pit. Now let me tell you, doing this without taking damage is VERY hard to do. You don’t know where Magma Man will shoot his flames, and you don’t know where he will jump to. It’s very likely that you’ll be hit when you try to make your way down. If you still want to try and not get hit, I’d recommend dropping down to the middle platform as soon as you can, then doing a short hop to jump over one of the flames Magma Man will now shoot at you (which may or may not be heading to your spot on the platform. Like I said, he’s mad unpredictable), then quickly drop down to the inner platform and hope he drops down to the pit. Yes, that’s right, hope. This doesn’t always work out how you want it to. He might jump and land right on the platform you’re currently on. In any case, if it does work out, and you managed to do it quickly, you can jump over his head and on the other interior platform. If you didn’t do it quickly, you might want to stay where you are and just hope that he jumps over your head and lands on the middle platform.

But whatever. Now that you’re safely positioned on the key area, you can be in much greater control over the battle. Here’s how the strategy goes:

If Magma Man is standing on an interior platform, you should stand on the OTHER interior platform. Watch him. Here he can do one of two things. He can either jump down on the pit, or jump on the platform you’re currently standing on.

If he decides to jump to the interior platform you’re on, you’ll know because he will make a huge jump as opposed to a short hop. In this instance, you’ll want to quickly move to the OTHER interior platform. i.e: the one he was in before he made the jump. You can do this one of two ways. The safest way is to drop down to the pit and then hop on over to it. The faster way is to jump over the pit and land on it. But you can’t jump too high or you’ll hit Magma Man when he’s going past you. Anyway, now you’ve safely traded places, and he will, again, have to choose between the two decisions I mentioned earlier.

If he decides to jump down to the pit, you will know because, well, he will make a short hop and fall on the pit. Don’t worry, the flame shot won’t hit you. Now that he’s there, you need to very quickly jump over his head and land on the other inner platform. Make sure that you’re close to him when you make the jump so that you clear the distance without touching him. Depending on how fast you are, he will now jump to either of the two middle platforms. It doesn’t matter which one he chooses. If you made the jump correctly neither decision should result in you being damaged. That being said, him jumping over you is the slightly more dangerous one of the two.

Now, when he’s standing on one of the middle platforms what you want to do is quickly drop down to the pit. The reason for this is that when he makes his next jump and shoots, a flame may or may not fall directly on the inner platform you’re standing on (that’s right. May or MAY NOT. Told you he was unpredictable). So we’re going to drop down on the pit just to be on the safe side. Now from here Magma Man can do one of two things. He may either hop down to the inner platform closest to him, in which case you should jump on the other inner platform, or he may do a huge jump aimed right at the pit you’re currently standing on. In which case you should jump over to either one of the inner platform. Whatever move he makes, this now puts you in one of the situations I’ve already described above and we’ve come full circle.

That should about cover the strategy. If you do the right moves and do them correctly you shouldn’t be taking any damage at all. Of course, like always, this is much easier said than done and will require quite a bit of practice. Watch my video to see how it all goes down.

Tornado Man

Tornado Man is a moderately tough boss. He doesn’t have a set pattern and rather chooses randomly from a set of actions he can make. Still, once you take the necessary precautions and get a feel for his moves he’s not terribly difficult.

Here’s how Tornado Man acts: when he’s on the ground, he may do one of two things. He may either fly up in the air, or do his tornado blow attack. Either way, you should stay in place until you see him make a move. If he uses T. Blow you’ll have to dodge. 4 tornados will come up from the bottom of the screen. You can jump and weave your way between two of them to avoid damage. It’s a bit hard but quite possible. Still, it’s not actually necessary for you to do this. If you start running as soon as he casts it, you will be able to outrun all of the tornados and escape damage easily. Of course, to do this you must have space in which to run, so make sure you’re running towards the side of the room with the most space, or at least with enough space to avoid the tornados. If you hit a wall before you can outrun them, you’ll have to do the jump weaving thing I mentioned earlier.

After you’ve avoided the tornados he may either do the same thing again, or fly up in the air.

Once he’s in the air, he can choose between two actions: he can either use T.Blow, or drop down on your current position. Either way, you should be moving at ALL times when he’s in the air, because his drop comes fast and without warning. If he uses T.Blow just keep running if there’s a low of space in front of you, and if there isn’t make a quick turn and start running in the opposite direction. You need to be fast in making the turn though, otherwise you won’t be able to outrun them. If you make a mistake and hit a wall you’ll have to dodge them by jumping and going between them. After that he may use the same attack again, or do his drop attack. This one’s dangerous. The only way to avoid it is to be moving before he does it. However, there’s a catch here. Tornado Man could be floating very high up, or he could be floating rather low close to the ground. And this affects his drop. You see, if he’s very high up, it doesn’t matter in which direction you’re running, you’ll still manage to avoid damage when he does it. But if he’s flying low, you MUST be running AWAY from him. You can’t be running towards him or he WILL damage you. Therefore, you have to be paying attention and act accordingly depending on his altitude.

After he drops he’ll go back to the choices I talked about earlier. If he corners you and then uses T.Blow and you don’t have space to run in, jump over him and keep running. It’s safe to do so. He won’t jump while T. Blow is in effect. But be careful not to jump TOO high. The wind boosts your jump by a large margin and you could hit the spikes on the ceiling and die.

And that’s about it for him. The trick is to constantly be on the move when he’s in the air and if he’s on the ground, stay in place until you see him make his move.

Fake Man

Fake Man may have the most ridiculously hard stage, but he himself isn’t that tough. He is similar to Splash Woman in that he has a set pattern he never deviates from. If you can get into a dodging pattern of your own, you can easily beat him without taking any damage.

When the battle starts, he’ll try to charge you. Shoot him, and he’ll jump back to the far right wall. This is where the pattern starts. He will shoot two energy shots at you. You want to jump over the bottom shot and pass beneath the top one. That is to say, you should pass between the shots. As soon as you are past those shots, KEEP RUNNING to the right, because Fake Man will jump over to the left wall and shoot you diagonally while in the air. But don’t worry, because if you’re running towards the right when he does this, you will not get hit.

No time to rest though, because right before Fake Man lands on the left side, he will shoot you diagonally again. Keep running to the right and jump right before the shot reaches you. Still no breather though, because he will immediately follow it up with 2 shots very close to each other horizontally. As soon as you land from the previous jump, keep running towards the right, and when those two shots are near you, jump towards the left, over both of them.

Now this is the point where his pattern resets and he does the same thing all over again. He will charge you, and when you shoot him he’ll jump back to the left side and do the same thing, except now he’s on the other side. Just repeat the pattern. That’s all there is to it. If you don’t shoot him when he’s charging at you, he’ll just keep chasing you forever until you do.

Shoot him whenever you get the chance, but the best times are right before he’s about to charge you, right when he lands on the ground from a jump, and right as he’s about to make the jump from one end of the room to the other. That’s about it. Not a very hard boss at all.

Actually, I added my entire run through the stage to the video just so I wouldn’t get any smartass comments about how long it took me to get through it. I was using nothing but the mega buster ok? Cut me some slack. Jesus. You people and your demands. But yeah. If you want to see the Fake Man fight just fast forward to the end. Or watch me go through the whole stage using the mega buster and not taking any damage. It’s up to you.


Alright woo! I’ve killed all the robot masters with the mega buster and without taking damage. Now I’ll definitely get all the chicks, right? Right?! Oh wait, right, girls don’t even play videogames. Dammit!

Uh, right, anyways. Was fun doing this. In fact, the whole game was tons of fun. But especially this. There are some pretty bullshit achievements in it, but the trusty sidearm one is great. Congrats if you got it, and I hope my guide was at least some help in it. Yeah, I know the strategies are only half the battle. Ok, one fourth of the battle. But hey, it wouldn’t be any fun if you could magically do it on your first time right?

Heh. I’ve been so busy doing this, recording the videos and writing I haven’t even had time to beat the game. Maybe I should, like, go do that now. Wily won’t kick his own ass. And haha, as of this writing I don’t know what the robot master weaknesses actually are. I’ve never used a special weapon against any of them.

And man, I can’t believe they’re not putting out the DLC until october 20! That’s like a month away. That’s 20 days too many. I’m already going to pay for all this extra content and you’re still making me wait like at Friday’s?! Fuck you.

Damn, I don’t even know why I do conclusions. I never have anything good to say. But yeah, such a good game. I already want to replay it and I haven’t even beaten it yet. Anyways, I’ma slip out the back.

See ya around,
~S.A. Renegade

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