ain't give no sucker your meal, it adds to nothin and he is an animal all the while, no receipt on file, no loyalty no style.

Mega Man 10 Mega Buster Only Robot Master Guide

By S.A. Renegade on March 9, 2010 in Guides

This is a guide to beating all of the robot masters in Mega Man 10 with only the mega buster and unlock the Trusty Sidearm achievement as a result.


Table of Contents
Boss: Blade Man
Boss: Sheep Man
Boss: Commando Man
Boss: Pump Man
Boss: Chill Man
Boss: Nitro Man
Boss: Strike Man
Boss: Solar Man


What up my froggs in tha pondd! Yeah that’s right, I just said that. I’m back and this time with the natural follow-up to my Mega Man 9 Robot Master guide. The Mega Man 10 Mega Buster Only Robot Master guide! You know the drill. We don’t want to be pussies and use those boss weaknesses. It’s way too easy like that. It’s much more fun to rely only on the Mega Buster.

The purpose of this guide is to help whoever wants to do the same thing by outlining the strategies I used to beat the robot masters. Once you do, you acquire the Trusty Sidearm achievement. Now I don’t claim my methods to be the best or the most effective, but they are what worked for me and this is all I can give you. With that being said, in this guide you’ll find my tips for each of the bosses plus videos of me beating each one with the mega buster without taking damage to give you a more visual aid in addition to the text.

But that ain’t all this time, fool. Nope. THIS time, my videos include my full mega buster only run through each stage without taking damage for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL. Well ok. Maybe the reason COULD be that bitches complained last time about how I did it in Wily’s house instead of the actual stages despite the fact that it makes NO GOD DAMN DIFFERENCE.

So all of you can go climb a wall of dicks. I’m sure hoebags will still find stuff to complain about, so I’m going to pre-emptively say that if you don’t like it, bite me.

Blade Man

Difficulty Rating: Bitches ain’t shit/10

Aaaaahahahaha. What a joke. This guy is by far the easiest Robot Master, and how. He has a very simple, easy, set pattern that he NEVER deviates from if you play correctly. We can beat this guy in our sleep. He’s that easy.

The strategy is simple: As soon as you go in, run straight to the right without jumping. Blade Man will hang from the wall and throw 3 blades at you, but if you run without stopping you’ll be able to pass under them. Once that happens, Blade Man will jump and hang from the ceiling. Stand under him and a little bit to the right but without touching the wall. He will shoot 3 blades at you from there, all you have to do to avoid them is run to the right until you hit the wall, and maybe jump just to be safe.

Once that’s done, Blade Man will jump over to the opposite left wall. Before he even does this though you should already be running over to the left. Shoot a couple buster shots as he’s coming down so that they catch him once he pins himself to the wall. Keep running to the right and the next blades he shoots will harmlessly pass over you as well.

Then he will jump over to the ceiling. You do the same thing you did before when he was on the ceiling, except the other way. Stay under him, and when he shoots the blades, run to the left and jump just to be safe. After he does that, he will jump over to the right wall, and you should be running over to the right wall as he does this.

At this point you should see that the pattern simply repeats itself. And it will repeat itself over, and over and over until Blade Man dies, UNLESS you make a mistake somewhere. So try to stay consistent with your spacing, timing, and all that. If you don’t, you run the risk that Blade Man will at some point drop down on the floor, which he shouldn’t if you’re doing it correctly.

Watch my video to see how it should be done.

Sheep Man

Difficulty Rating: Once upon a time in the projects, I damn near had to wreck a ho/10

Sheep Man may seem pretty straightforward, but once you get down to it he can catch you when you least expect it. He only had two modes of attack. First of all, he may shoot a spark at you from where he’s standing. This is a dangerous move because he has two variations on the spark, and if you’re not far away enough it’s very difficult to be able to discern which type it is and react fast enough. The first type of spark travels very fast and low to the ground. This one is very easy to jump over since it’s so fast.

The second type, on the other hand, is much harder to deal with, not only does it travel slower, but it also oscillates up and down kind of like a sine function. At its highest point, you can’t jump over it, but you can pass underneath it. So do you want to jump over it or pass underneath it? Neither. Why? Read on.

Now, reacting to which type of spark it is can be difficult, especially the closer he is to the center of the arena. But I’m going to let you in on the ultimate secret: he will ALWAYS alternate between the two types. That’s right, there’s no need to react if you always know what he will do. Simply, when he does a low spark, keep repeating in your mind “the next spark will be a high one” or whatever you want. That way you will never be caught off guard. Each time he’s about to do a high spark, all you have to do is go and stand right in front of him, at about a Mega Man’s length away, and the spark will pass harmlessly over you every single time. You don’t even have to worry about moving! No sweat at all. However, if you happen to be too far away, you’ll have to avoid the spark the harder way. I recommend passing beneath it. Run away from it, and right as it’s starting to go upwards, turn around and run the other way to pass underneath.

Note that Sheep Man may fire 1 spark, 2 sparks, or no sparks. If he fires two, it will always be of different types. During this period when he’s down on the ground is when you should be firing on him to deal damage. After he does this, he will use his other move, during which you can’t do shit to him.

He will turn into four clouds, and each cloud will move to a random part above the arena. When this is happening, you’ll want to be in the center so you can run to either side depending on where the clouds end up. Sheep Man is hiding in one of them, specifically the last one to move, but it can be hard to see which one moved last, and the knowledge isn’t super useful, so for the most part what you’ll want to do is this: if most of the clouds congregate at one side of the room, run to the other side. If they don’t, then what you’ll want to do is stay near the center, but not directly beneath a cloud, and wait for the first two to disappear. When that happens, simply run away from the remaining two clouds. Be careful, because the last one will shoot out a spark, so you’ll have to jump over it.

Even if you’re not directly underneath a cloud, they will still electrify the floor quite a ways from where the lightning hits, so you’ll want to jump away when that happens. Don’t simply jump up, because you will just land on the electricity and take damage.

After that, Sheep Man will get back on the ground, keep shooting him. If he’s going to shoot a low spark, just stay back and jump when you see his cue. If he’s going to shoot a high spark, just go and stand in front of him like I said before, all the while shooting his face off. Before you know it, he’ll be dead.

Commando Man

Difficulty Rating: Think ummaduh be the scapegoat fudda whole damn machine? Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet/10

Alright, so. If you’re planning to not take any damage, Commando Man is no fucking joke. He’s one of those robot masters that have no pattern, and this, coupled with the fact that his moves are almost impossible to react to make him a bitch.

He’s not that complex as far as bosses go, I mean, he only has 3 attacks, IF THAT. His first and most common attack, which he’s likely to use as soon as the fight starts, is to jump up and forward a bit, and shoot one of his rockets in the air. These things are hell of dangerous. They travel through the air, and then drop down exactly where you are and create some splash damage. To avoid the first one, you’ll want to run to the center of the arena as soon as the battle starts, and when you see the rocket coming, run away from it before it falls.

Now, this is what you’ll want to do to avoid these rockets when Commando Man is farther than half the arena from you. However, he will keep jumping and getting nearer and nearer to you. When he’s closer than half the arena to you, what you want to do is stay relatively close to him so that when he jumps, you can pass safely beneath him and somewhat reset your spacing (the rocket will also miss you completely).

Sometimes you will see that he makes an ESPECIALLY high jump. When you see this, make sure to jump before he lands because he will create a quake that will immobilize you for a bit. This is harmless in and of itself, but it can make the splash damage from the rockets hit you if you’re not careful.

This would be the entirety of the strategy against Commando Man, simply stay close to him and pass underneath him when he jumps, however, the throws a monumental wrench in our plans with his other move: he simply stays on the ground and shoots a rocket horizontally. This no frills move is what makes this fight go from a joke to shieeet rating. You see, what happens if you’re close to him, expecting him to jump over you, but instead he uses this move? Simple. If you don’t jump, you get hit. The problem is that this move is so god damn fast that it’s almost impossible to react to if you’re really close. Oh sure, he telegraphs the move by raising his arm for like 0.3 seconds before firing but let’s be serious. Who is actually going to be able to react to that? Considering I basically have the reactions of an 80 year old man, definitely not me. But hey, maybe you have better reactions than me. And if you do, well, all you have to do is jump up when you see him raise his arm.

For us less gifted folks, though, there is something different we can do, and it’s this: if you concentrate hard enough, you will be able to note that Commando Man stays in the ground for just a TAD longer before he uses this move. What does this mean? It means that if you’re paying very careful attention, you don’t actually have to react to the impossibly fast arm raise, rather, you can react to the fact that he’s been in the ground for just a tiny bit longer, and thus “anticipate” the move. It’s not really anticipation, but you know what I mean. This at least doubles the amount of time we have to react to his move, which makes it quite a bit easier, but still tough because the difference in the time he stays on the ground is tiny, so you have to stay on your toes.

To help out with this, I recommend staying close to him but NOT point blank range. About 2 Mega Man’s width away from him should give you the maximum range to react to his grounded rocket but also give you enough time to run beneath him if he jumps.

And that’s the whole strategy. Remember, if he’s more than half an arena’s length away from you, you can stay farther away from him so you don’t even have to anticipate the horizontal rocket, but don’t stay so far away that you won’t be able to move backwards if he shoots a jumping rocket.

Another thing to keep in mind is, when he shoots you and you don’t have enough room to get away from the splash damage, you can jump to where the rocket originally hit because the splash travels away from there. There is none right at the center where the rocket fell.

And of course, remember to be shooting him the entire time. He dies pretty fast since there are no points during which you’re unable to attack him.

Pump Man

Difficulty Rating: With my mind on my money and my money on my mind/10

Pump Man is one of those Robot Masters who have no pattern, so this can make him seem tough, and he kind of is, but if you follow my bulletproof strategy you’ll have him bodied easy!

Pump Man’s entire mode of attack is to surround himself with his bubble shield, jump around a few times, unleash it, and then repeat. That’s IT. That’s all. Of course, the fact that he has no pattern makes this harder. He alternates between high and low jumps, but you don’t know which one he’s going to do first, plus, you also don’t know how many times he’s going to jump before unleashing his bubble shield.

Further, whether he’s facing to the right or left when he pumps the shield out affects whether the bubbles will spin clockwise or counterclockwise, which in turn affects where the bubbles will go when he shoots them out. And having the proper spacing to avoid those bubbles can be hard. It’s a bit easier if you’re very far away, but that’s not always possible.

Fortunately, with my strategy you ain’t even got to worry about none of that!

What you do is simple: as soon as the fight starts Pump Man will begin pumpin’ out his shield. Run right at him without stopping. He will jump right before you collide with him and you’ll pass beneath him. Now, what you want to do is run underneath him EVERY time he jump. That’s right, EVERY single time, doesn’t matter where he is. To do this, you have to be as close to him as possible. Close enough that you can run under his low jumps but far enough that his shield doesn’t touch you. The high jumps are easy, but for the low jumps you have to be fast, start running as soon as you see him jump.

And here’s the good part: Once he’s about to unleash his bubble shield he will jump up, stay there for a second and then shoot them out. What you have to do at this point is simple: just stand directly underneath him and the bubbles will miss you every single time. This is the best and easiest way to deal with them. This way you don’t even have to worry about where the bubbles will fly, which way they’re spinning, nothing. Just stand under Pump Man and you’re safe, then move out of the way when he falls back down. Just make sure that you stand directly beneath him, not to either side or you’re risking it. You gotta do it right.

Once he falls down, that’s when you should shoot him to deal some damage before he gets his shield back out. If you’re fast you’ll be able to get in 3 shots on him. If you’re not fast you’ll only be able to get 2 shots in, but it’s all good. Once he gets the shield out, just stay close to him, wait for him to jump over you, and repeat the strategy, having him jump over you every time. Don’t bother shooting your mega buster when he’s got his shield out, I find that mashing on that affects your concentration, so you’re better off just devoting all your resources on making sure you don’t get hit.

And that’s really all of it. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s easy, since you have to pass relatively close to him when he does those low jumps, but there are tougher things out there.

Chill Man

Difficulty Rating: Oh mah lawd/10

Shiet. Chill Man is one of the harder bosses because of a few reasons: he ain’t got a set pattern, the slippery floor can fuck you up, and also I heard he’s a contemptible little sneak.

The arena is nothing but an even surface of ice, and Chill Man will be constantly running from one side to the other trying to bump into you. The best way to avoid him is to jump over him. However, you gotta be careful, because sometimes he may simply run at you, but other times he may do a huge leap at you. His leap isn’t big enough for him to pass over you though, and way too fast for you to try and run underneath him. So, even when he jumps at you, you will still want to jump over him after he has landed. He will always land just a bit in front of you, so the only difference between that and when he runs is simply that you have to be a lot faster if he decides to jump.

Now, if that was all there is, it wouldn’t be a problem, however, Chill Man also has his ice gun which he likes to fire and create spikes with. Usually the spikes aren’t too much problem, the bigger problem is the inital shots. He will always fire twice. Once at the ground, and then at the wall. This can be quite hard to deal with. Why? Because a combination of whether he runs or jumps/gets to the end of the room or not/fires immedately or slower or doesn’t fire at all requires a slightly different response from us.

First of all, I recommend to be jumping constantly to try and keep your traction, but makes sure that your jumps are as low as possible when you’re not jumping over anything by only tapping the button rather than holding it down. Secondly, you’ll be going from one side of the room to the other as Chill Man does the same, but since he always shoots a spike at the wall, you’ll want to stop just short of the end of the arena so that you don’t accidentally bust your head on the wall spike when you jump.

Now here’s the deal. Chill Man will always run or jump at you. Like I said before, you have to jump over him and run/jump to the other end of the arena. If he runs at you, you don’t have much to worry about, simply jump over him, and he will always slide right to the wall. From here, he may do one of two things: he can fire his ice gun immediately after you pass over him. To avoid this, as soon as you jump over him, IMMEDIATELY jump a second time once you land. The first ice shot should not be able to hit you if you do this. Then, if you are far away when he fires the second shot, and you will be if you jumped twice, don’t jump and it will miss you as well. If he doesn’t fire immediately, well, in that case he will be so far away that you don’t have much to worry about. As long as you’re far away and don’t jump when he fires his second shot, neither can hit you. Or he may not shoot anything and simply opt to run/jump towards you again. In which case that takes us back to the beginning.

If he jumps at you, that’s when things can start to get hairy. The problem is that when he jumps at you, sometimes he may not get all the way to the end of the arena, and further, when this happens, he may fire his ice gun SO FAST that you’ll still be in the middle of jumping over him when he does. If you don’t jump over him fast when he does this, you’ll be stuck in the WORST situation possible, and that’s stuck in the corner with Chill Man 1/4 of an arena away from you firing two shots and jumping at you. In which case I hardly knew ya. If this happens to you, you can still try to save yourself by running all the way to the wall to avoid the first spike and to have the second one appear JUST above your head, and then running a bit back and hoping Chill Man decides to just run at you, so you can jump over him and the first spike in one go. But if he decides to jump, you’re screwed. Nothing can do. But if you’re TOO fast with the jump then he might turn around and fire the spike right where you’re about to land, and you’re screwed too. See how much of a cunt this guy can be? I told you he was. So yeah, make sure you’re fast but not TOO fast with that jump. When this happens, the first shot won’t hit you because you’ll be above him, but then when he fires the second one, you’ll be so close that you have to do something slightly different: you have to jump OVER the second shot. Remember, you only do this if he has fired too fast and you are close to him. Which doesn’t ALWAYS happen, so you need a good eye. Generally speaking, if he shoots the first spike the wrong way, you might be far enough by the time he shoots the second one that it can pass over you. Whether or not he gets to the end of the arena is entirely dependent on your position when he decides to jump, and this in turn is entirely dependent on how fast he decides to jump at you. So you can see how he can fuck you up pretty good. Even when he jumps so fast that he ends up near the middle of the arena, you always want to jump over him since the chances are higher that he will land closer to the wall he jumps towards. That’s why you need to be low jumping constantly, so you can turn on a dime and jump over him quickly if he decides to do this dick move.

All the while, you’ll want to be firing your Mega Buster at him as he’s coming towards you when you get to each end of the arena. You can get in quite a bit of damage on him, especially when he runs at you.

Nitro Man

Difficulty Rating: BREAK YOSELF, FOO/10

Nitro Man can be VERY hard until you figure out exactly what it is you have to do. The first thing he will usually try to do is get on his bike and try to roadkill you. This is pretty easily dealt with, simply jump over him when he comes at you, and keep jumping each time he makes another pass at you, all the while shooting him as he’s coming towards you. This is the best time to damage, and hell, actually, the only time. Fortunately you can get a LOT of damage in on him when he’s doing this.

Of course, after a few passes he’ll do a wheelie, that’s your cue that he’s going to go up the wall. As soon as you see him do this, run so that you’re about 1/4 the arena’s length away from the wall he just went up. That’s right, you want to be close to him. He will drop 2 saws on you but they should fall down on either side of you, not on top of you. When this happens, begin running away from him and jump over the saw. He will drop down right where you are. That’s why you wanted to be close to him at first, so that when he drops down he’s a good length away from you and not right in the middle of the arena.

Now comes the tough part. He’s going to start throwing a bunch of saws at you for a bit. Don’t try to damage him at this point, just concentrate on dodging the saws. This can be very hard and overwhelming at first, but here’s the trick: first of all, you have to notice that the saws will always move to the end of the arena, then go up the wall, and then fall AT YOUR POSITION. What does this mean? It means that, to avoid the falling saws you have to stay on the move. So here’s what you want to do:

You will jump over the saw away from Nitro Man as he’s coming down, when he drops, you will jump over the same saw again towards him, then start running away from him as he throws the first saw from the ground. When he does, jump towards him again over said saw. Then start running away from him again as he throws the second saw. By this point, the very first two saws will be coming down on you, but since you’re currently running away from him, they will miss you. Once this happens, the first saw he threw from the ground should be almost about to fall on you. Now here’s the important part: keep running away from Nitro Man, but SLOWLY so that you don’t hit the wall. Leave about a single Mega Man’s width of room between you and the wall. Why? So that when that saw that is about to fall does, you can run into that space you left and it will miss you. Then, as soon as it falls, very quickly jump towards Nitro Man, because the third saw he threw should be just about to hit you. Continue running towards him, because he will throw a fourth saw. Don’t worry, this fourth one will be very high, which means you can pass safely underneath it. At this point he should stop, and get on his bike again. Simply keep moving slowly to the left to avoid those two saws coming down on you, and that should only leave the last one. Run towards Nitro Man and jump over him. The saw will never fall farther than half the arena towards you.

Yeah, I know, it seems like a lot to remember, but practice it and it should become second nature eventually. Now, of course, it won’t always play out like that. Why? Because sometimes Nitro Man may get tired and get on his bike before throwing all of the saws. It’s not biggie though, that only makes it easier since you have less shit to deal with. What may throw you off though, is that sometimes he gets on his bike without even throwing a SINGLE saw from the ground! So you have to be careful. It’s very risky to jump over him near the middle of the arena because there will be 2 saws coming down on you there, so what I recommend doing is moving a bit to the sides of the arena to pass under one of the saws and THEN jump over him. You have to be fast on the second jump though because he will turn very quickly!

And that’s about it! Like I said, he can be pretty tough, but this strategy is pretty damn bulletproof as long as you can follow it correctly.

Strike Man

Difficulty Rating: Rollin’ in my six-fo’/10

Strike Man has a set pattern once he gets going, and is therefore one of the easier Robot Masters to perfect. Of course, when you fight him for the first time you’ll probably get overwhelmed and it might seem tough, but when you break it down, it’s actually a smooth ride.

Strike Man attacks first of all by throwing a ball. He may either throw it from the ground, or jump up and throw it from above, but it doesn’t really matter. Either way, you’ll want to jump over said ball. What you have to watch out for, though, is that the ball bounces several times around the whole arena. This might seem difficult to deal with at first, but the trick you have to be aware of is that the ball will ALWAYS home in on your position when it can. That’s right, every time it bounces off the ceiling, it will travel to where you were standing when it did. Obviously, this means that to avoid the balls, you have to stay on the move. You don’t have to move too much. As long as you’re about a Mega Man’s width away from where you were when the ball hit the ceiling, it will miss you. And this is good, because you don’t want to accidentally bump against Strike Man, do you?

While the ball is bouncing around, Strike Man himself will ball up armadillo style and bounce twice in your direction. His first bounce will always be the same: low, and travel a short distance. Disregard this one. The important one is the second bounce. The second bounce will either be very high and travel a short distance or low and travel a long distance. He will always alternate between these two types of bounces, although you don’t know for sure which one he will use the very first time. What you want to do is pass underneath him during the second bounce.

So how do you go about this fight? It’s really simple. First, you jump over Strike Man’s ball. Then, as he starts bouncing you should be moving around on the other side of the arena constantly to avoid the ball which will make several passes at you. However, don’t keep your eye on the ball. Rather, keep your eye on Strike Man, because you’ll want to be relatively close to him when he bounces a second time so that you can pass underneath him. If he does his very high bounce it’s actually not necessary to pass beneath him at this point, but since you don’t know for sure what he will do, you have to.

The ball will be coming down from the ceiling as Strike Man bounces the second time, which means that, since you will be conveniently running as you pass beneath him, the ball will miss you as well.

Once that’s done, the ball will disappear and Strike Man will return to human form for a few seconds while he prepares for another go. Shoot him a few times as he does this, and then simply repeat the pattern.

Eventually, after passing underneath him a couple times, he will move to the very end of the arena after one of his low bounces. Once this happens, you’ll want to slightly change your pattern: when he does his very high bounce, do NOT pass underneath him. Stay on the other side of the arena (while moving around to avoid the ball, of course), and wait for him to throw the ball again and do his low bounce to run under him. Once you do this, it means he’s permanently locked in this pattern and will never deviate from it, so all you have to do from here is repeat the same thing over and over. Stay away when he does his high bounce, run under him when he does his low bounce. That’s all you have to do. Easy street.

Watch my video to see how it’s supposed to go.

Solar Man

Difficulty Rating: What you gon’ do? You really don’t know, so I’d advise you not to trust that ho/10

Solar Man definitely seemed like the hardest boss to me when I first fought him. He deals a shitload of damage, and it’s not immediately apparent how you can avoid his attacks. Fortunately for you, I’ve died enough times to him that I can now tell you the absolute 100% bulletproof strategy to beating him. So listen up.

The arena consists of 5 ledges/platforms/areas/whathaveyou. We’re gonna call the the two closest to the wall the outer platforms, the two after that the inner platforms, and the last one the middle platform. K? Got it.

Solar Man attacks simply by jumping between any of these platforms and shooting out solar beams which fall downward and then explode to the sides. He may also attack by trying to headbutt you with his solar head, but that only happens if you’re right next to him, which you shouldn’t be.

So what are you supposed to do to win this fight? Aright. First of all, where are you supposed to be standing. Most of the time you should be standing on the middle platform. The ONLY time you shouldn’t be standing here is when Solar Man is standing on it. Now, it’s a pretty big platform, so where exactly should you be standing on it? Simple: always at the very end of it. Specifically, if Solar Man is currently standing on the left outer platform, you should be standing on the left side of the middle platform. And if Solar Man is standing on the right outer platform, you should be standing on the right side of the middle platform.

Now here’s the deal. What you will do is directly dependant on what platform Solar Man jumps to. And he has no pattern, he can jump to any platform he feels like, so you need to be on your toes and always react properly. Let’s go over the situations:

1) If Solar Man is standing on the left outer platform, then you should be standing on the left side of the middle platform.

a) If he jumps to the left inner platform, then you don’t need to do anything, except move a bit to the right so he doesn’t catch you with his melee attack.

b) If he jumps to your middle platform, you need to run to the left, jump over the single solar beam he shoots and fall down to the left inner platform.

c) If he jumps to the right inner platform, this is potentially his most dangerous move, because he liked to shoot two solar beams when he does this. You want to jump up when the solar beams come down, so that as the second beam is going down, you’re going up beside it, and then move towards the middle part of the platform (in the air, of course), and fall down right on top of the solar beam that just hit there. If you do it correctly, by the time you fall, it should have already exploded, the waves should be moving to either side but you should be safe in the center.

d) If he jumps to the right outer platform… just kidding, he’s not actually capable of jumping this far.

2) If Solar Man is standing on the left inner platform, then you should be standing on the left side of the middle platform, but not at the VERY edge of it or you open yourself up to his melee attack.

a) If Solar Man jumps to the left outer platform, you don’t need to do anything.

b) If he jumps to the middle platform you’re on, simply run to the left and jump onto the left inner platform.

c) If he jumps to the right inner platform, he will shoot a single solar beam down in the middle of the platform you’re currently standing on. Move to the edge of the middle platform, and then jump up as the beam is coming down, then move to the right in the air and fall down exactly where the beam hit, similarly to what you do in 1c. It should explode before you hit the floor and you’ll be safe.

d) If he jumps to the right outer platform, he will shoot two beams. You should first run to the left side of your platform to avoid the beam coming down on your platform, then when it has fallen, jump and change directions to fall down exactly where it hit. Immediately after you land, jump a second time to avoid the second beam, whose wave should be coming towards you at this moment.

3) If Solar Man is standing on the middle platform, then you should be standing on either one of the inner platforms, depending on where he originally came from. If he came from the left, you stand on the left inner platform, if he came from the right, you stand on the right one. We’re going to assume you’re standing on the left one though.

a) If he jumps to the left outer platform, he will shoot a beam down on the platform you’re standing on. You need to first jump up onto the middle platform, and then jump a second time once you’re there to avoid the afterblast from the solar beam.

b) If he jumps to the left inner platform you’re standing on, you simply need to jump up back onto the middle platform. He’ll jump really high, so it’s not hard to go under him.

c) If he jumps to the right inner platform, you don’t need to do anything.

d) If he jumps to the right outer platform, you don’t need to do anything.

4) If Solar Man is standing on the right inner platform, then you should be standing on the right side of the middle platform, but not at the VERY edge of it or you open yourself up to his melee attack. As for the situations, simply use the ones in number 2, but reverse the directions.

5) If Solar Man is standing on the right outer platform, then you should be standing on the right side of the middle platform. As for the situations, simply use the ones in number 1, but reverse the directions.

And that’s it! Follow these instructions to the letter and you will NOT get hit even once. What’s that? Too complicated? DEAL with it, fool. Really though, once you get used to it you don’t really need to think all that much and it’s pretty fun.

Regarding damage, note that Solar Man can absorb your mega buster shots with his sunhead, and if he absorbs two shots in a row this makes his next beams more dangerous. So the way I recommend damaging him is to only shoot him once or twice each time RIGHT as he lands on a platform, or right as he’s jumping. Sure, it can take a bit, but it’s not like you’re going to get hit by any of his bullshit if you’re following this strategy, so it’s all good.


And that’s all people! So how was it? Was pretty fun, but man, is it just me or was this easier than Mega Man 9? It can’t just be me right? Oh well. ‘s all good. It’s not like it was TOO easy or anything so I’m not gonna complain. The whole game’s cool, I’d say it’s just as good as 9.

You should now have the Trusty Sidearm achievement, so if you do, grats. Hopefully this guide was helpful in some way. Yeah, I know the strategies are only half the battle. Ok, one fourth of the battle. But hey, it wouldn’t be any fun if you could magically do it on your first time right?

This guide is short so it was pretty easy to do compared to the last one (Urgh). What can I say, it’s nice to just chill and do easy guides like these every once in a while.

Anyway, guess I ain’t got more to say. So I’ll see you when and if I see you, and if I don’t, well TOO. BAD.

~S.A. Renegade

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